Ask Mark

We all come from different walks of life.

Not everyone wants, or has the financial means to, work one on one with a professional.

You may have a burning question that you would really benefit from a quick answer to.

My mission is to take away any barriers and help as many people as I possibly can.

“Ask Mark” is a great way to do this.

It’s likely that, even if you feel that you’re the only person dealing with this “thing” or “situation”, there’s likely many more people who would benefit from having this question answered.

Simply use the form below to ask your question.

I will endeavour to answer as many as possible either through writing an article or posting a video on Social Media.

I will NEVER use real names, your confidentiality is safe with me.

You don’t even need to put your name or email address with the question – only if you want to be sent a link to the response.

Just keep an eye on this website and my Social Media Channels for the responses to yours and other questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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